• Main Uddowal Rd, Udohwal Kalan, Gujrat,
  • Mon - Sat 8:00 - 5:00
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Jamia Saifia Rehmania Hub-ul-Qura’an lil banat-ul-Islam,Rasool Pura, Sambrial

Institute started in 2004 in Rasool Pura, Sambrial. With the grace of Allah Almighty and the hard work and dedication of my father, the institute has not only survived but also thrived over the years.

It’s quite common for institutions to face various challenges and obstacles during their initial stages. Since 2004, the institute has not only survived but has developed and expanded its infrastructure, which is a testament to my father’s vision and perseverance.

Branch History


Promoting the goals of building a secular and modern education system for the sustainable development of society and a better future for all is a great and important mission. Such an education system aims to provide students with a good education that not only imparts knowledge but also promotes the values of tolerance, diversity and inclusion. We will ensure that our educational institution welcomes students from diverse backgrounds, races or social status. Foster an inclusive and equitable environment that celebrates differences.

Aim and Objects

Our first and foremost concern is to teach the daughters of the Muslim Ummah how to recite the Holy Qur’an with correct pronunciation and realizing the purpose of their lives and achieve success in this world and the hereafter.

We make sure that we have qualified and knowledgeable teachers who can teach the Qur’an with correct pronunciation (tajweed) and provide a deep understanding of it’s meaning and significance.

Establish regular evaluation procedures and feedback channels to monitor student development and make required modifications to the curriculum or pedagogy.

Remember that every student is different and can have varying demands and learning styles. Offer individualized learning opportunities that cater to each student’s unique strengths and weaknesses.


Help students understand how the teachings of the Qur’an can be applied to their daily lives. This may include community service, charitable activities, and other practical actions.

Teaching the Qur’an and helping young women realize their purpose in life is a worthwhile and transformative mission. By providing them with a strong educational foundation and nurturing their personal growth, you can empower them to succeed in this world and the hereafter, as well as contribute positively to their communities and the Muslim Ummah.

Our Statistics



Enrolled Students


Our Staff


Pass Out


Position Holders


Meet Our Staff

Offered Services

Trgheeb e Namaz Course

Trgheeb e Namaz Course

Tameel e Deen course

Tameel e Deen course

Naqabt o Taqreer/ Naat Khawani

Naqabt o Taqreer/ Naat Khawani

Principle Message

Sumaira Iqbal
Beginning with the name of Allah , the most Merciful , the most Merciful . It is the duty of every Muslim to preach Islam. My purpose of establishing this institution is to highlight the love of Islam among women, to live their lives according to the precious principles of Islam and to gain the pleasure of Allah and his Prophet in this world and in the hereafter, to achieve this we must be sincere and punctual with our duties.
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Contact Details

Get Information

  • Emailjamiaja956@gmail.com
  • Phone+923354644506+923258139509
  • AddressMuhallah Rasool pura street no # 4 Sambrial Pakistan
  • Facebookhub ul quran sambrial

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