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University Construction


Newly constructed project

۞لَنۡ تَنَالُوا الۡبِرَّ حَتّٰى تُنۡفِقُوۡا مِمَّا تُحِبُّوۡنَ ؕ وَمَا تُنۡفِقُوۡا مِنۡ شَىۡءٍ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِهٖ عَلِيۡمٌ


You will never attain to goodness unless you spend what you love in the way of Allah, and Allah knows what you spend.

A few distinctive categories of charity are characterized in Islam, the two most imperative being zakat (compulsory charity) and Sadaqa (deliberate charity). Zakat may be a particular, standardized rate of one’s extra wealth (over and over the necessities of life) that must be given to the poor and those in require. Sadaqah can be given to anybody in numerous shapes including a grin, wise counsel, or making the construction to Madrassas or masjid.

Markazi Jamia Saifia Rahmania for women Adhwal Kalan Gujrat is one institution which is chosen by Allah and His beloved where every time women of Islam are benefiting from religious and worldly teachings in an enlightened and spiritual environment.

The most important thing is that in today's enchanting age where men are more important than women in every great deed, the islamic Scholar Hafiza Waqariya, Muhadditha  Tasneem Hashmi Saifi Principal Jamia Saifia Rahmania Madrassas Network Pakistan, Great services are being rendered.

Indeed, Allah (SWT) chooses His great servants for His great deeds.

The main objective of this constructive project is to end the educational crisis. Because the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to teach what Allah commands in his book Quran. This institution, realizing the urgent need to provide a genuine way of providing Islamic information and, God willing, to provide a wonderful environment for the growing population of female students, is on its way to its ever-evolving destination. Rowan has started a new construction project. Starting from 10 marlas in this journey, the house of Allah has today become a powerful institution consisting of over 10 kanals. The main purpose of this construction is to provide a good environment for Islamic sciences as well as social and scientific sciences.

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Dear  Brothers and sisters, it's a great invitation about a newly constructed project. All of you are currently watching on screen the newly constructed project. The Markazi Jamia Safia Rehmannia Lil-Banat-al Islam Udhuwal Kalan Gujarat Pakistan is in the construction phase.

Emerging from the earth, these pillars of holy light are announcing their heights as well as the rise of those who spend in the way of Allah.  And the closeness, willingness, and forgiveness they get from Him.
This center has been engaged in physical and spiritual, scientific and practical training.  For the daughters of the Muhammad Ummah for the last thirty years, morning and evening. The wonderful and unique thing about it is, that they are the women who are working for its creation and development with great enthusiasm. It is the manifestation of the blessing of this sincerity and passion that this series which started from ten Marla, Alhamdulillah Hamda Kathira today covers above ten canals.

This newly constructed project has completed the ground floor. which is realy the fruit of your affection and help.  Indeed, Whenever we extend our step or hand for the progress and superiority of Islam, we are in fact inviting our own success. Allah (swt) says about the people who join this great journey of Islam

۞اَلَّذِيۡنَ يُنۡفِقُوۡنَ اَمۡوَالَهُمۡ بِالَّيۡلِ وَالنَّهَارِ سِرًّا وَّعَلَانِيَةً فَلَهُمۡ اَجۡرُهُمۡ عِنۡدَ رَبِّهِمۡ‌ۚ وَلَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ  يَحۡزَنُوۡنَ


Those who spend their wealth secretly and openly by day and night will have their reward with their Lord, and they have nothing to fear nor grieve.

At every moment in the religious, worldly, physical and spiritual service of the Ummah Mustafa SAW, the Markazi Jamia Saifia Rahmania Gujrat (MJSRG) is moving towards a new journey and a new destination of rise and evolution.

In other words, construction of Noori building is underway in a vast area of above 10 canals.

  • Build a center of religion for your descendants and make charity ongoing.
  • Put a few bricks here to build a palace in heaven.
  • Promise is Allah. Put bricks and mud here. The palace will be built in heaven.
  • Put tube lights here, brightness will illuminate your grave.
  • Put the roof on the house of Allah, its shadow will come in handy on the Day of Judgment.
  • Settle Gulshan-e-Din here, may Allah make your grave a garden of paradise.
  • All these paths lead to heaven.

Empathize with yourself, save some for yourself. The Beloved of Allah said:

Your wealth is what you forwarded.

So we can protect our property in many ways some sources of Charity are as follows:


Anas ibn Malik R.A said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Charity (Sadqah) extinguishes the wrath of the Allah and saves from evil death. (Jami 'al-Tirmidhi 664)

Sadaqah wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire” (Trimidhi 614)


Hazrat Abu Hurayrah R.A said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH)  said: Whoever gives alms of something pure and Allah accepts that which is pure. The wealth of charity continues to grow in the palm of the Merciful, until it grows bigger than a mountain, as one of you raises the calf of his horse or the calf of a cow. (Jami Tirmidhi Hadith 661)


Abdullah ibn Umar says that the Prophet (PBUH) made it obligatory on every Muslim, whether he is free or a slave, male or female, to give a Saa 'palm or a Saaa' in Sadaqah al-Fitr (Sunan Ibn Majah 1826).

Food serving:

Hazrat Sohaib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I have heard from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) that the best man among you is the one who feeds others. (Musnad Ahmad 23981)

You can give all these charities in the best way because the best charity is the one that is acceptable to him. So, these seminaries of religion are such a rare gift which Allah (swt) bestowed on the people of His Beloved, in which He gave them the glad tidings of innumerable rewards and rewards for their scientific, literary, physical and financial support. Similarly, the gift of Rehman is present among all of us at Jamia Saifia Rahmaniya and another huge project is under construction.

Let's all work together to bring it to an end so that you can collect the blessings of the Hereafter.

  • Grand Milad Hall
  • Qur'an Palace
  • Gosha-e-Durood
  • Vocational Training Department
  • Different education blocks
  • Medical Center
  • Excellent library

These are the most beautiful projects of the ongoing charity. After all, how can we all be a part of this great mission in the easiest way? Because those who take part in the exaltation of religion raise their heads according to the promise of Allah.

The method of selection:

  • They can take responsibility to make study place of a Student for the reward of their elders. Donation is about Rs.32, 000. If have capacity more you can take responsibility for the whole class amount is about Rs.5 lakh. Participate in power arrangements for the reward of your elders.
  • Have a place of worship prepared for the reward of your elders. Amount is about Rs.16, 000. According to ability Choose for Allah according to your ability. God will choose for you according to His glory.
  • Participate in electricity arrangements for the reward of your elders. Donate according to ability.
  • You can take your part in water arrangements for the reward of your elders. Donate according to ability
  • Choose for Allah according to your ability. Allah will choose for you according to His glory.


“Your greatness is not what you have, it’s what you give”

Our Donors:

  1. Laiba Laib

  2. laiba shafi

    Fasilabad, PK
  3. laiba shafi

    Fasilabad, PK
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